E-learning for the legal & insurance sectors

Kinch Robinson has over 25 years' experience designing training for lawyers, insurers and claims managers. Our e-learning helps to build skills and knowledge in a convenient and flexible way to suit your schedule.

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In this course you will see the reconstruction of a trial in a road traffic accident.   The trial is on liability only. The trial is concerned with an accident on a large roundabout between two cars. The Claimant and Defendant agree where the accident occurred, but dispute who was travelling in which lane and who caused the accident. A real-life accident and court transcript are used, to ensure the delegate really understands how best to prepare a case for trial and what will really happen at trial. Read more

Assess liability in 8 different accidents on country roads and then see our barrister's view. Read more

This module provides two advocacy demonstrations based on the case studies used in our SQE 2 Applications & Speeches e-learning modules. After each demonstration we provide tutor feedback on the candidate's performance.  Read more

The SRA Accounts Rules were introduced on 25 November 2019. This e-learning course is essential for all solicitors to comply with their obligation (Code of Conduct for Solicitors 7.1) to keep up to date with the law and regulation governing the way they work. It provides a comprehensive survey of the rules and their practical implications. Read more

On 25 November 2019 the SRA Standards and Regulations replaced the SRA Handbook. There are seven Principles instead of ten, and two codes of conduct, one for individuals and one for firms. This e-learning course provides everything solicitors need to know to make sure they understand their obligations under the new regime. There is a quiz at the end of the course to test your knowledge.   Read more

Supervising legal apprentices is different to supervising trainee solicitors. Most of them are fresh out of school with limited office experience so it can be a steep learning curve for both the supervisor and the apprentice! This e-learning course will give you tips and techniques to make sure you nurture the youngest talent in your firm.    Content     What are legal apprenticeships?     Managing expectations: office etiquette, dress, time-keeping, use of phones     Delegation     Managing different generations     Handling tricky situations, such as inappropriate behaviours and stress Read more

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