Kinch Robinson - Training for Lawyers

Busy lawyers need to be able to access training at a time (and place) that's convenient for them.  That's why we are constantly adding to our portfolio of e-learning courses specifically for law firms. 

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This course looks at techniques for improving your time management. The first module looks at how you can make the most of your day by by planning and prioritising your work effectively. The second module looks at the delegation process.  The course is accredited for 1 hour of PSC Electives. Read more

This course provides practical guidance on writing attendance notes of meetings with clients. This is an interactive course which uses meeting reconstructions to highlight the problems faced by note-takers and to provide tips and techniques for improving your attendance notes. The course is accredited for 1 hour. Read more

If you are new to the world of the financial markets, corporate finance, investment and the City arena in general, you may find it a challenge to understand how it all works, particularly as there is a wealth of terminology and jargon. There are plenty of useful resources available online explaining the jargon but this course fits all the explanations and terminology together to form a bigger picture. As a trainee is a city firm this course is essential viewing, enabling you to navigate meetings and documentation with a basic understanding of the City’s institutions, people and decision-making. This course was written by Tanya Gass, a non-practising solicitor who specialises in delivering training on Corporate Law, Corporate Finance and Equity Capital Markets. Course level: PSC Elective - 1.5 hours distance learning You must complete all sections, and the feedback form, to complete the course. Read more

Using punctuation marks effectively is the best way to help your reader to understand your message the first time they read it. This course is a very useful recap of basic punctuation rules.  It uses an interactive quiz to test existing knowledge and a further quiz to test knowledge at the end of the course.   The course covers the main punctuation marks and provides guidance on the trickiest aspects of punctuation. Course level: PSC Elective - 1.5 hours distance learning You must complete all sections, and the feedback form, to complete the course. Read more

Our online proofreading course will give you lots of tips for better proofreading. You can download the tips in a PDF at the end of the course. And you’ll have plenty of opportunity to test how good you are at spotting errors. PSC Elective - 1.5 hours distance learning. You must complete the course, final exercise and feedback form. Read more

This course will help you to be more confident in your use of English. The course begins with a quiz to test your knowledge before you start. It covers the following topics: Grammar terms Pesky prepositions Precise pronouns Vexing verbs Sentences Word choices At the end of the course there is another quiz. The course is accredited for 1.5 hours of PSC Electives.  You must complete all of the sections and the feedback form at the end of the course in order to claim your hours. Read more

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