Kinch Robinson - Training for Lawyers

Busy lawyers need to be able to access training at a time (and place) that's convenient for them.  That's why we are constantly adding to our portfolio of e-learning courses specifically for law firms. 

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This course focuses on commercial awareness.  It demonstrates to trainees the importance of being able to understand a client’s finances and what makes their business tick.  It explains that this provides a real competitive advantage. This course gives trainees a basic introduction to financial reporting, concentrating on the two key statements in any set of accounts – the profit and loss account and the balance sheet. This course is accredited for TCPD for the amount of time it takes you to complete the course (up to a maximum of 90 minutes).  It is important that you complete each module of the course in one go or your time will not be properly tracked and you will only get credit for the last time you launched the module. We report all course completions to the Law Society of Scotland and they closely monitor the accredited hours. Read more

This course looks at techniques for making the most of your day by by planning and prioritising your work effectively.   Read more

Using punctuation marks effectively is the best way to help your reader to understand your message the first time they read it. This course covers all the main punctuation marks with lots of guidance on the tricky bits and exercises to test yourself. Course length - 1.5 hours You must complete all sections, and the feedback form, to complete the course. Read more

On 6 April 2021 Practice Direction 57AC came into force and introduced new rules on interviewing witnesses and drafting trial statements for cases in the Business and Property Courts. Litigators need to adopt new ways of working to make sure they don't fall foul of the sanctions. This practical course will help you to understand what you can and can't do when interviewing witnesses. The course uses video reconstructions of an interview with exercises to identify questions which fall foul of the new rules. Look out for Part 2 of this course which will cover drafting statements. Duration: 60 minutes Read more

This course is perfect for anyone working in a law firm who wants improve their proofreading skills. You'll get lots of tips for better proofreading which you can download in a PDF at the end of the course. And there are plenty of exercises for you to test how good you are at spotting errors. Course length - 1.5 hours Licence period - When you purchase a licence you have 3 months to complete the course. Read more

This Critical Thinking e-learning course is divided into five modules which explore some of the shortcuts that our brains have evolved over millenia in order to conserve energy and time.  It explains where they come from, why the brain likes them, recognises their strengths, and importantly, shows where they are vulnerable to error. Each e-learning module provides tools and techniques to help you avoid thinking traps and improve your critical thinking.  You can download PDFs with a reminder of the tools. At the end of the modules there are scenarios for you to practise applying the tools.  Accredited for 3 hours of PSC Electives. You must complete all sections, and the feedback form, to complete the course. MODULES Confirmation Bias explores five strands of bias and provides tools to help recognise and avoid them. The Influence of Others looks at two of the more important ways in which the behaviour of others can influence us. Developing Expert Judgement covers how to develop your unconscious thinking in a positive way, including assessing the reliability of your own judgement and that of others. Easy v Strategic Thinking looks at how to think more critically about the purpose and outcome of our work. Our brains seek thinking shortcuts to conserve energy. These create a particular challenge when we are asked to think strategically and identify the outcomes which will be of most value to clients. Detecting Lies & Misinformation examines our cognitive bias towards believing people and information. We take a practical look at how to evaluate information, and the source of that information, to help sift the reliable from the unreliable. Read more

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